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Tag Archives: currently playing
Currently Playing – Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Raft, Lonely Mountains Downhill
I’ve been pretty absent from PC gaming for some time, since moving to Canada in early 2017, because I haven’t had a proper computer to play games on. That has recently changed, since I got myself set up with a … Read More ››
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Tagged currently playing, lonely mountains downhill, raft, shadow of the tomb raider
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Currently Playing – Ark: survival Evolved & Rise of the Tomb Raider
I’m currently enjoying getting down and dirty with nature. Taming dinosaurs in Ark: Survival evolved is exciting and frustrating in equal measure. Exciting because I’m taming friggin dinosaurs. Frustrating because bigger dinosaurs keep eating them… And when I’m not playing that, I’m exploring the freezing mountains in Rise of the Tomb Raider – seriously, I have never felt so cold playing a videogame. It’s the way Lara hugs herself in the chill wind as the snow clings to her jacket. It’s one of the most beautiful games I’ve seen in a long time.
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Tagged ark survival evolved, currently playing, rise of the tomb raider
Currently Playing – Deus Ex 3, Bastion, Alice
The summer gaming drought is drawing to a close at long last. These past few months have felt very much like the ‘calm before the storm’ because while there were no new releases to get particularly excited about, this autumn is looking to be an unbelievably expensive time. The likes of Battlefield 3, Skyrim, Uncharted 3, Arkham City, Rage, Modern Warfare 3, the latest Assassins Creed game and of course Minecraft, are all due out between now and Christmas. I’ve no idea how I’m gonna find time to play them all. Kicking off the big releases last week was Paul and myself’s most anticipated game of the year, the prequel to one of the best games of all time – Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Is it any good? Well, we’re not willing to go into too much detail yet, but the short answer is a definitive ‘yes’. I also picked up the top-down indie adventure Bastion, and the visually stunning Alice: Madness Returns. Read on to find out what I think so far…
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Currently Playing: Brotherhood, Starcraft2, Undead Nightmare
Once again I find myself in the middle of a trio of games conveniently giving me an excuse to write up another of this little articles. Two of these games I started in 2010, and the other is also from last year but I decided to endure the inexplicable 5 month delay for the PC version… Assassins Creed Brotherhood was very much worth the wait, I have a few missions left of Starcraft 2, and I’ve honestly no idea how many more zombies I’ll be killing in Undead Nightmare, but I just unlocked the blunderbuss which should make everything a lot easier from here on.
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Tagged assassins creed brotherhood, currently playing, starcraft 2, undead nightmare
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Currently Playing – Dead Space 2, GTA:TBoGT & WiC
So despite having booked an expensive holiday that I can only just afford, I somehow still manage to find the money lying around to splash out on all (most) of the awesome games I want. It’s a great life, living on the cusp of being broke and having enough money to pay my rent and eat, though when I do things like book holidays and buy games all the time, being in a perpetual state of getting by isn’t such a strenuous thing to endure. So let’s see which games I’ve got my mitts on at the moment…
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Tagged currently playing, dead space 2, GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony, World in Conflict
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Currently Playing – Singularity, GTA 4 & Cataclysm
Who needs New Years Resolutions anyway? A sensible one for me to make would have been “stop playing 12 games at the same time”, but no such vow was made and here I am yet again with multiple games on the go. I’ve been trekking through New Vegas since it was released, and still haven’t seen everything in the wasteland. I bought Need for Speed Hot Pursuit and the GTA 4 collection during the amazing Steam christmas sales – I have barely touched the former, but i did finally play through the latter – after starting Niko Bellic’s story 3 times in the past, I have at long last seen how it ends and I utterly loved it. Meanwhile, Singularity is proving to be a fun mish-mash of various modern shooter ideas rolled together to create something new. And then there’s that quaint MMO expansion that a few people are playing lately. Apparantly it has a dragon in it…
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Tagged currently playing, gta 4, singularity, world of warcraft cataclysm
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Currently playing… DR2, Sonic 4 & Enslaved
Again, I find myself with too many games and too little time. Right now I’m in the middle of slaying thousands of zombies using a ridiculous arsenal of home-made weaponry, feeling nostalgic and old for the first time ever because of a classic 2D platformer, and am climbing and fighting my way across an overgrown jungley wasteland inhabited by killer robots. Below are some thoughts of Dead Rising 2, Sonic 4 Episode 1, and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, so far…
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Tagged currently playing, dead rising 2, enslaved, sonic the hedgehog 4
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Currently Playing… Mafia II, K&L 2, Super Mario Galaxy 2
My games-funding dry spell was finally over the other day, and circumstances involving getting a bunch of random games for Wii and DS from a relative (for free!) meant I had a load of trade-in value just waiting to be spent. This meant I was able to go nuts and buy a bunch of games that I’d have no time to play. I certainly didn’t see that as an issue, though, and in the last week and a half, I’ve had three big games to play all at once.
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Tagged currently playing, kane & lynch 2, mafia II, super mario galaxy 2
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Currently playing… Limbo, Wolfenstein, Demon’s Souls
I have a terrible habit of playing too many games at once. The result is I have a huge backlog of games which I’ve bought and simply haven’t had time to look at yet. I got Bad Comany 2 the day it came out, and it’s still sitting here on my desk in its cellophane wrapping. I bought Final Fantasy XIII ages ago too and thats still sealed. And I even did install and play the first few hours of Bioshock 2, but then my PC decided to die on me, and I lost my savefiles…must get back to that soon. However, right now I have 3 games I’m focusing on, and aside from the fact they’re all dark and depressing, they couldn’t be any more different – one is a creepy 2D indie platformer, one is an old school FPS, and one is the most unforgiving RPG I’ve ever played.