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Tag Archives: demo
Duke Demo a Bit Disappointing
So I finally got round to getting my First Access Club demo key for Duke Nukem Forever, but to be honest I was a tad unimpressed by the experience.
Crysis 2 multiplayer demo, quick blast…
While I’m on the subject of game demos today, I might as well mention the Crysis 2 demo too. Sadly, it’s only a multiplayer demo, and really, who wants a fucking multiplayer demo of a predominantly single player game? I don’t care about leveling up my persistent character before I get the full game, I’ll do it when own the full thing. I want to shoot some aliens in Times Square first! Anyway, with my mini-rant over, read on for a quick opinion on the demo gameplay itself.
Bulletstorm demo is explosive, face-kicking fun
I downloaded the Bulletstorm demo the other day and had a quick run through, because I was certain it was going to be awesome fun. With phrases like “dick-tits!” and “son of a dick!” uttered by the NPCs every now and then, how on Earth could it not be fun?
Ghost Trick Playable Demo
How would you like to play a demo of a new DS game by the makers of Pheonix Wright? Of course you do. And you don’t even need a DS to play this one. The Pheonix Wright games are some of the most fun puzzle adventure games out there full of amusing characters and lots of mystery. Ghost Trick looks and feels very familiar, but its unique game mechanic of possessing inanimate objects to solve puzzles feels pretty entertaining from this short demo. Go here and have a look. Read More ››
Amnesia: The Dark Descent – Demo
Holy mother of shitting crikey that was horrible. Paul and I just played through the demo of Amnesia: The Dark Descent, and it has to be the scariest demo I’ve ever played, and quite honestly I don’t know HOW I managed to finish it. It’s by the maker’s of Penumbra, but its undoubtedly better… Major demo spoilers below, but go play it for yourself right now.