Tag Archives: limbo

Limbo – Now on Steam

The darkly atmospheric platformer Limbo has just found a new home on the PC. If you didn’t play this when it came out on the 360 last year, now’s your chance to experience this most highly acclaimed indie hit. Featuring zero dialogue, you experience the story of a boy trapped in a very haunting world, void of colour as he traverses puzzles and obstacles, utilizing a satisfying physics engine and some of the most chilling sound design ever found in a game of this sort. Well worth £6.99 on Steam, here’s what Paul thought of it last year on XBLA. Read More ››

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Review – Limbo: If at first you don’t succeed, die, die again…


What if you woke up in a strange place with no friends, no colour, a whole lot of nasty stuff that might (definitely) try and kill you in vicious ways, and the ability to only move left or right on a 2D plane? Well, according to the imaginations of the folks at games company Playdead, you’d most likely be in Limbo trying to save your sister, though you won’t have known this unless you actually read the description for the game.


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Currently playing… Limbo, Wolfenstein, Demon’s Souls

I have a terrible habit of playing too many games at once. The result is I have a huge backlog of games which I’ve bought and simply haven’t had time to look at yet. I got Bad Comany 2 the day it came out, and it’s still sitting here on my desk in its cellophane wrapping. I bought Final Fantasy XIII ages ago too and thats still sealed. And I even did install and play the first few hours of Bioshock 2, but then my PC decided to die on me, and I lost my savefiles…must get back to that soon. However, right now I have 3 games I’m focusing on, and aside from the fact they’re all dark and depressing, they couldn’t be any more different – one is a creepy 2D indie platformer, one is an old school FPS, and one is the most unforgiving RPG I’ve ever played.


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