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Tag Archives: dead rising 2
Dead Rising 2 – Extremely Late Review
Well, it’s been pretty slow here on BcR this last month, probably because we’re lazy bastards, and somehow I’ve managed to do it again: I’ve played a game from start to finish in less than a week, traded it back to the shop to get half price on something else, and then completely forgot I even had it. That’s not to say it was a bad game at all, but more likely that I simply suffer from a gaming addiction so strong that my days become one long blur… Well, at least that’s the excuse I’m giving for my terrible memory. Anyway, the game in question is Dead Rising 2, and I’m gonna review it quickly, even though it’s far too late.
Giant Dice and Vacuum Razors – Dead Rising 2 Gameplay
I just got my hands on Dead Rising 2, which I can’t wait to give a go when I get home. But in the mean time, I’ve got videos such as the following to keep me entertained until then (viewers of a nervous disposition, or plain old sissies might want to look away):
Zombie Screenshot of the Week
‘Coz when the zombie apocalypse arrives, everyone knows the best way to survive is to strap multiple guns to your wheelchair and team up with a giant teddy bear. Courtesy of Dead Rising 2, click the image for full-size glory. Read More ››