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Tag Archives: singularity
Review – Singularity
Singularity was largely ignored when it released in June last year, but after an impressive-looking trailer and finding out Raven Software (Soldier of Fortune 2, Quake 4) were behind it, I had enough reason to be intrigued. Thanks to Activision’s new policy of “ignore it if it isn’t Call of Duty”, the game whimpered onto the market and sold about 7 copies. It took me until Steam’s Christmas sale to buy it, because it wasn’t in any stores and the ones that did have it were stupidly overpriced, even online. Its a real pity because here is a game that has clearly been influenced by some of the most high-profile first-person shooters in recent years, and has managed to develop their ideas into a solid, entertaining experience, and one that deserves an audience.