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Tag Archives: deus ex: human revolution
Top Ten of 2011 – 5. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
We all breathed a sigh of relief when Deus Ex Human Revolution finally hit the market: it was actually as good as it looked. Since Invisible War struggled to improve upon its predecessors achievements and success, we found it hard to believe there could be a worthy successor to Deus Ex with a third installment, but with this intelligent and satisfying prequel, we were rendered immobile for days until completing it. The dystopian future Adam Jensen comes from is rich in detail, and the man himself was a hugely versatile protagonist, allowing us to make the ultimate choice: sneak past, or elbow sword to the neck?
Review – Deus Ex: Human Revolution
To say I’m a fan of the original Deus Ex is a bit of an understatement, and I must admit that my hopes and expectations of this prequel were mountainous. Dozens of trailers and gameplay previews teased me with what was clearly a beautifully designed game graphically, but I was dying to know if the story and gameplay would prove to be as deep and ambitious as its older brother. And now we find ourselves in the present. I have played through the entirety of Human Revolution, and I now know the answer…
Posted in Game Reviews
Tagged deus ex: human revolution, eidos montreal, review, square enix
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Cyborg Day – Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Brb for a few days.
Launch Trailer of the Week
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is out this week. We are quite looking forward to playing it. If you’re lucky enough to be American, you should stop reading and go play it right now… just don’t tell us. We’ll get angry. Read More ››