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Tag Archives: bioware
Me, Myself, and Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect has been one of the best trilogies I have ever had the privilege to enjoy from start to finish, and so I thought I’d write about how it’s affected me. While I haven’t written any specific spoilers, you may still wish to avoid this article if you care about that sort of thing.
‘The War Has Begun’ – New Mass Effect 3 Trailer
There’s an awesome trailer for Mass Effect 3 I’ve just seen in my emails that I somehow never saw before, so I’ve borrowed it and placed it right here for your viewing pleasure. Spoiler: there’s effing huge robots, and smashing frozen enemies with a holographic sword. If there wasn’t so much pure awesome due out in the remainder of this year, the wait for this could be bloody agonizing.
Mass Effect 3 – New E3 Trailer
The epic Mass Effect trilogy comes to a close early next year. I need to find time to replay through 1 and 2 in order to get my savefiles back and get the true experience, (I was one of the only people in the world to be relieved at the news of its delay). Until then, here’s a new trailer, which is all action and little story, but I appreciate the un-spoilery nature of it, compared to what they did during the buildup of Mass Effect 2…
Mass Effect 3 Debut Trailer
Bioware has announced part 3 of its Mass Effect sci-fi saga, with this awesome cgi trailer. Looks highly likely we’ll get to explore Earth this time around, or its’ ruins…