Thank god it isn’t Cars 3. Pixar have rarely put a foot wrong but after John Lasseter became essentially the joint leader of both Disney and Pixar, I can’t help feeling he’s lost some of his magic touch… I found Cars to be a dull disappointment, and the sequel is getting terrible reviews but I have faith that they’ll return to form in their next film, which conveniently has a new teaser trailer out. Check out the first reveal of Brave below.
Not much to go on story-wise, but its no surprise that it looks absolutely stunning. Apparently set in the Scottish Highlands, there’s some wonderful scenery with rolling hills and forests full of trees, and the animation on the various animals looks great. The main character appears strikingly out of place when she eventually shows up, but her design definitely has that Pixar feel. I have high hopes for this being another Wall-E, or Up, or Ratatouille or, oh man just please be good…