Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam Impressions

So Battlefield 3 is out soon, but we just got hold of the Vietnam expansion to Bad Company 2 and had a three hour blast on it last night. Hughie’s, flamethrowers and NAPALM. Oh yes.

I have Battlefield fever and I had a severe urge to shoot lots of (virtual) people online.  Vietnam is an awesome expansion to BC2, but christ is it difficult.

We were unfortunate with the teams, not to mention being rather late to this particular party. We had no idea what any of the maps were or where to go, or what good guns were…but I’d forgotten how much raw fun you can have just by squadding up and going for it.

It’s certainly a different experience when you make an effort to sneak around, picking off targets carefully, instead of attempting to impersonate Rambo.  It took me about 100 deaths to realize it wasn’t working.

Ha, yeah, running across open rice fields is a sure way to get sniped. Some people have godly skills with that thing. You haven’t lost your touch with flying choppers – mowing down Charlie with a mounted m60 on the side of a Hughie hasn’t been this much fun since the original Battlefield Vietnam…

It’s a pity the snipers you mentioned also had the sickening ability to shoot us out of the cockpit or passenger seats of the helicopters, regardless of how fast you’re flying.

At least you get a nice view as you fall to your death. This game is gorgeous. Hill 137 looked particularly spectacular – it put Black Ops Vietnam level to shame.

Was that the one with the incinerated jungle, scorched to oblivion by the napalm bombs? I was astonished by that level, the change from the first segment of lush green foliage to charred, black, burning hillsides had me looking around longer than I was fighting.  It would explain my extremely poor performance.

There was a moment where we both crept around by the river, and looked up at the hill as two jets flew past. We literally stopped and both gawped at the horizon as it lit up in a bright flash, and smoke started to rise. The next section of the map was set in that utterly destroyed jungle and it looked amazing. Even if it wasn’t dynamic level changing, it did an awesome job of convincing me otherwise.

Absolutely.  The new selection of weapons available in VIetnam have given us so much stuff to play with that I still haven’t even used it all – in fact I haven’t even driven a tank yet.
But the flamethrower.  Oh god, the beautiful flames.  Sneaking up on two enemy soldiers camping at the top of a hill and then burning them alive with a hose of firey liquid death was extremely satisfying, but also kind of.. horrific.  (Note: I am not nor have I ever been an arsonist in real life)

It’s the best flamethrower since Return to Castle Wolfenstein. It’s safe to say we like Bad Company Vietnam. It’s the perfect way to kill the time between now and Battlefield 3.

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