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Tag Archives: shadow of the colossus
Top Ten of 2011 – 6. Ico & Shadow of the Colossus
It’s a testament to just how good Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are when they can appear on a list of games many years after they were originally released. Sure, this HD collection for the PS3 is a remake of two beloved Playstation 2 games, but going back to them was one of the best gaming experiences we had all year.
HD Remake of the Week
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus have been re-released for the PS3 this week. They have never looked more stunning. Click above for full-size image. Read More ››
Team Ico news – HD remakes, and The Last Guardian trailer
Tokyo Game Show has kicked off, and the only game I was interested in has already been shown off. There’s been no new news of The Last Guardian for over a year, and the new trailer is as gorgeous, and intriguing as 2009’s E3 trailers. It seems to show a bit of gameplay, but is mostly in-engine footage of the big creature and the kid interacting. Having been getting rather excited at the thoughts of the game coming out soon, I now have to calm myself down as the supposed release date will be “Holiday 2011”, according to IGN. I don’t know what this means, exactly, but it’s obviously not going to be out anytime soon! In the meantime, I’ll have the HD remakes of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus to keep me busy, and that’s a fine compromise to me. Click below for trailers.
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Tagged ico, shadow of the colossus, team ico, the last guardian, trailer
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