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Tag Archives: skyrim
What’s So Great About Skyrim?
Guest Article : Steven Harbor. Steve now has a blog. Check it out here.
Near the end of 2010, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was announced to unfettered excitement at the Spike Video Game Awards. From the moment the title card showed up on that giant stage screen, Skyrim has had a red carpet rolled out for it in the gaming press every step of the way. It has always been a celebrity, a shining knight that has come to whisk us away on a journey to a far away land in the snowy peaks of northern Tamriel. Almost three months since the first sword was swung, Skyrim now sits high and mighty on its throne, having been adorned with many game of the year nods and near universal acclaim. Many who find themselves out of the loop probably scratch their heads trying to figure out why we spend hundreds of hours plugged in, worshipping at this game’s almighty altar. I have taken it upon myself to make sense of all of the fanfare, explaining in detail what this game does right, what it does wrong, and how it affects the video game industry.
Top Ten of 2011 – 1. Skyrim
Released within one year of its announcement, Skyrim came along relatively quickly, but was met with huge amounts of praise, and sales figures to match. Gamers the world over have had any notion of free time sucked into oblivion by … Read More ››
Gorgeous Skyrim Time Lapse
Skyrim has well and truly taken over our lives these past few weeks. The game sold so many copies in its first week that the total player count was higher than that of Modern Warfare 3 at one point. So, there’s a good chance if you’re reading this, you too have been busily questing your way through one of the biggest games of the year, and have explored its snowy wilderness. Which brings me to this stunning time lapse video of Skyrim’s world. Its quite something…
Skyrim is Almost Here…
And it has a new trailer. It’s very nice, and rather subdued, especially compared to most game trailers we are treated to, choosing to simply show off some of the locations and NPC’s we’re all likely to explore and meet once Friday hits. Yep, just 3 days to go. Man, I intend to get so utterly lost in this…
Eurogamer Expo London 2011
So this year a friend bought me a ticket for the Sunday of Eurogamer Expo for my birthday, and since I’ve somehow never been to an expo before, I gratefully took my ticket and made my way to London.
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Tagged batman arkham city, battlefield 3, eurogamer expo 2011, hitman absolution, skyrim
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Skyrim – E3 Gameplay Walkthrough
Todd Howard, the director of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim talks us through some of the features of the new game, which is also out this autumn. If you don’t want to know much about the way this game looks, in particular how FRIGGIN AWESOME fighting a non-scripted dragon might be, then don’t click below to see the footage…