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Tag Archives: battlefield 3
Top Ten of 2011 – 2. Battlefield 3
There was never a doubt in our minds that Battlefield 3 would be the best example of a game about warfare in a modern setting in 2011, and the day it finally hit the shelves in November all that anticipation could finally be put to rest. Despite it’s somewhat patchy launch, the game itself was fantastic. Dice’s now famous Frostbite engine is looking better than ever, and we have been given the grandest of fields to battle in – one filled with all the tanks, jets and humvees we could ever wish for.
We’re nearly Back to Karkand…
… and we’re going to be able to fly harrier jump jets again! This excites me. This excites me a lot. See, I like flying helicopters, and I like flying jets, and in my mind a harrier is the best of both, and that means it should be helluva fun. If at least only because of the nostalgia I’m going to have when shooting the shit out of that big crane while a little guy tries running along it to avoid the hail of bullets from my minigun. Suffice to say, I can’t wait!
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Tagged back to karkand, battlefield 3, dice, electronic arts, expansion, trailer
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Battlefield 3 Launch Trailer
Only one week to go before we can have a battle on a field for the 3rd time. Click below to see the awesome singleplayer launch trailer.
Betafield: Battlefield 3 Open Beta, Open Now!
Today, the Battlefield 3 open beta is a go! Well? What are you waiting for? Get it downloaded on your PC, PS3 or Xbox 360 right fucking now! I for one am downloading it on both my PC and 360, and will be shooting copious amounts of men, profusely, with various guns. Ohboyohboyohboy. Read More ››
Eurogamer Expo London 2011
So this year a friend bought me a ticket for the Sunday of Eurogamer Expo for my birthday, and since I’ve somehow never been to an expo before, I gratefully took my ticket and made my way to London.
Posted in Features
Tagged batman arkham city, battlefield 3, eurogamer expo 2011, hitman absolution, skyrim
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Battlefield 3 – Multiplayer & Jets… Yes!
Finally! This trailer of the Caspian Border multiplayer map shows – in lots of detail – the return of jets to the Battlefield series. This is one absolutely action-packed trailer, and my anticipation for this game has just quadrupled. Also, keep an eye out for what appears to be a little bomb-disposal robot who rather comically drives right into a wall…
Battlefield 3 – E3 2011 Footage
Battlefield 3 is going to take over my life when it hits this autumn. As well as a slightly earlier release date now scheduled for 25th October, there’s a bunch of new gameplay videos to gawp at. I’m not kidding, this game looks bloody excellent. Click below for 2 new videos.
Battlefield 3 – 12 Minute Trailer
If you’ve seen a few of the Battlefield 3 trailers lately, you might be interested to see the full 12 minute version, which pieces them all together, and adds a few previously unseen scenes. It is glorious.
Battlefield 3 Teaser Trailer!
Finally! An awesome little teaser trailer for Battlefield 3 has been released, and most importantly, you can quite clearly see a jet. A JET! After Bad Company simplified the series a little, taking away the ability to go prone,and worse, the JETS, we are very happy to see they are going back to the old way of doing things with BF3 by bringing all that back. Very, very happy. Let’s just hope they take the Destruction 2.0 from Bad Company and plonk it right in here.
And apparently.. it’s due out Autumn this year. Yay!