Scribblenauts was the only DS game I bought last year. I never use my DS these days, it’s only useful purpose is for train journeys home from London, or for some multiplayer Bomberman shenanigans at the airport with mates. I can’t recommend Scribblenauts enough though – essentially its a database of words, which then come to life. You can think of almost ANYTHING and write it down in the game and watch it come to life. Its truly bewildering the amount of stuff they crammed into this tiny game disc. Scribblenauts 2 was unveiled at E3 this year, and it looks like it’s gonna be even bigger…
The amusingly dull-sounding key feature this time is adjectives. The first game was all about the nouns – objects like chairs, swords, and bombs, as well as loads of animals like tigers, dinosaurs, and Jesus (writing ‘Jesus’ and ‘T-rex’ resulted in one truly epic battle). This time though you can add descriptive words to the beginning of those nouns. This opens up about a trillion new opportunities for crazy amounts of imagination. Perhaps you’d like a ‘Fat Badger’? Or an ‘Ugly Rocket Launcher’? The trailer below gives the hilarious example of a ‘Gentlemanly Red Raptor’, which spawns a rideable top-hat-wearing monster – the possibilities are totally mind blowing. It’s scheduled for an autumn release this year.