Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) is an American Air Force pilot taking part in a new government program called Source Code, in an effort to prevent a terrorist attack on Chicago, USA. Conveniently, the movie itself is called Source Code. We’ve discussed how we felt about it right here…
I love time-travel related stuff. It always confuses people and it gets a lot of them angry when they argue about it (guilty). Source Code is heavily based on an idea about time-travel, but there’s a lot more to it than a simple case of going back to past in order to fix the present. I bloody loved it, and it seems to be getting a fair amount of praise across the board.
I really enjoyed it. Jake Gyllenhaal plays a soldier who’s (unwillingly?) taking part in an experiment to try to save a trainload of people from a terrorist attack. Tied to a mysterious device known as the Source Code, he’s able to relive the final 8 minutes of one of the passengers on board’s lifespan, right before a bomb destroys the entire train. It’s goofy sci-fi stuff, and highly entertaining to watch.
It’s totally goofy, but that’s often the best way! Believable doesn’t always equal fun, and this movie is another great example of a ridiculous idea that is fun from start to finish. With clear inspiration from the TV show Quantum Leap (an old favourite of mine), as well as familiarities to The Matrix, and a concept that even felt quite similar to that of Assassins Creed, there was simply a whole lot to love about Source Code.
Left in the hands of another director, It could’ve turned out very different, but Duncan Jones got the pacing exactly right. Considering the very nature of the film means it has to repeat similar scenes, it’s impressive that it never feels tedious. Each time Gyllenhaal re-enters the source code he’s tasked with figuring something new out and this helps to keep you immersed. Revelations are made, and the film moves onto the next puzzle, constantly keeping you engrossed.
Absolutely! I never even felt bored once. Every iteration of the 8-minute program the protagonist had to re-live was a completely different experience, despite the Groundhog Day style repetition of events at the beginning of each attempt to succeed. It’s one of those really satisfying ideas that gets me thinking, “What if I knew the future and could change everything?”. Man I would love that ability… lottery numbers would be my top priority.
It’s funny how many other films and games spring to mind after watching it, yet it manages to keep its own identity and feel pretty original in its own way. It keeps you guessing throughout, but gives you enough tidbits along the way. The acting was good from everyone involved, the script was solid and the special effects were used sparingly, all of which contributed to a well crafted movie. I haven’t seen Moon, but I can safely say that Jones’ second feature film is a success.
Yeah, me too. It’s definitely worth seeing, and I can’t think of any reason why anybody wouldn’t enjoy it. Go now!
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